

Keeping Up With Hazard Communication

Many people have accounts online — from email accounts to banking, you likely are subscribed to a variety of sites. With so much of your life taking place online, what happens to your accounts when you are no longer there to manage them?

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First Aid In Your Workplace: Four Key Areas For Awareness, Preparation and Training

When it comes to workplace injuries, every minute counts. In fact, locations with high risks of injuries, such as auto repair and manufacturing facilities must have an employee on-site who is trained to render first aid in the workplace. If not, “emergency care must be available within no more than 3-4 minutes from the workplace” per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151(b). This OSHA requirement covers all facilities where serious accidents such as those involving falls, suffocation, electrocution or amputation are possible.

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Loaner Fleet Profitability

Should you, or shouldn’t you? Whether employers should provide references for former employees is debated among HR professionals. Prospective employers are wise to conduct reference checks of applicants. Unfortunately, when asked to supply a reference for a former employee, a company is often hesitant to provide any information beyond the individual’s previous position and length of employment.

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Keeping Up With Hazard Communication

Many people have accounts online — from email accounts to banking, you likely are subscribed to a variety of sites. With so much of your life taking place online, what happens to your accounts when you are no longer there to manage them?

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