

Auto Care Alliance Expresses Opposition to Recent Move by ASA and SCRS Due to Lack of Enforcement and Industry Collaboration

In response to this week’s announcement of an agreement between “independent auto repairers” and automakers, the Auto Care Alliance stands opposed to the arrangement and questions why one of the parties to the “pact” has flipped positions after being vehemently opposed to Right to Repair for over 20 years. The Automotive Service Association has repeatedly voiced its opposition to Right to Repair, and their reasons for opposing in the past have not been addressed in this new pact between ASA, SCRS, and the Alliance for Automotive Innovation.

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Northwest Tire Dealers Association to Merge with Northwest Auto Care Alliance

The board of directors of the Northwest Tire Dealers Association (NWTDA) and the Northwest Auto Care Alliance (NWACA) have announced that the NWTDA will merge with NWACA effective January 1, 2023.

“I am confident that this merger is a great move for our tire dealers and suppliers to maintain the current benefits we offer, as well as adding the extensive programs that the Northwest Auto Care Alliance provides for their members,” said Richard (Dick) Nordness, Executive Director of NWTDA since 1992.

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MWACA Mobile App Wins Top Award

Midwest Auto Care Alliance, a leading association serving the needs of automotive service professionals throughout the Midwest and beyond, announced today that its mobile app was named the winner of the Automotive Communication Award for Best App for a Mobile Device presented in Las Vegas by Women in Auto Care, a community of the Auto Care Association. The MWACA mobile app is the ultimate resource for members to find information on upcoming member events, benefits, on-demand training, white papers, leadership resources, networking, and more.

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Auto Care Alliance Announces New Industry Events Calendar

The Auto Care Alliance (ACA) has announced a new resource for the aftermarket automotive industry. The ACA Industry Events Calendar is an available resource for shop owners, technicians, educators, and vendors to stay up-to-date with the latest conferences and expos throughout the United States.

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Auto Care Alliance Announces New Employee Assistance Program Benefit

The Auto Care Alliance announces a new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefit called ShopCare for all Auto Care Alliance members. ShopCare has access to mental health care, expansive solutions for whole health, and high-level partnership for maximum engagement and positive outcomes. These services are confidential and available to employees and their household family members.

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